Natural Medicine & Detox Phoenix, AZ

It’s a New Year & an Exciting New Look at Natural Medicine & Detox!

Everyone here at Natural Medicine and Detox would like to wish you all the very best health and happiness in 2023 and beyond.   

Natural Medicine & Detox clinic entrance Phoenix Az

We are thrilled to be starting the new year off with a new improved website that features all of our practitioners and videos of them explaining what they do. There is also a lot more information about the services we offer and how they work so please browse the site and share it with your friends and loved ones. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or to set an appointment. 

Also, we completed our landscape and parking to include large walkways to our clinic door… very welcoming and clean looking! We also started an organic garden with some fruit trees!

New Year, New and Better You!

Half Day Detox: Acu-Detox, Colonic, Footbath, Infrared Sauna

It’s a new year and we are here ready to help you with all of your health and well-being goals. If you are ready to relax, reboot, reset and give yourself some love, there’s no better way to do this than to spend a half or full day detoxing here at Natural Medicine and Detox. This will certainly get you off to a good start! 

Here are a few New Year’s health and weight loss tips for you… 

growing sprouts at home is easy for good nutrition
  1. Eat more raw vegetables, including lots of sprouts. If you are a patient here, ask for information on how to grow your own sprouts at home. 
  2. Do 3 Colon hydrotherapies in a week if you never have done a colonic or if it has been a while. This can help reduce the bacteria load and reduces your sugar and carb cravings.  
  3. Drink more pure water with minerals. Often our bodies are thirsty and we confuse this with hunger. 
  4. Drink water an hour before you eat and never drink anything while you eat or just after. When we eat and chew our food, we create enzymes in our mouth needed to help digest the food.  

Our goal is to help you feel and look your best! 

Call us for an appointment today:

Fax (602)307-1002

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